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​Tips for Conserving Water Inside and Outside Your Home

Posted by Rod Judge on

Indoor Water Saving Strategies

Fix Leaking Taps

A single leaky tap may squander up to 2,000 litres of water each month. The solution is often as simple as replacing a worn-out washer.

Take Shorter Showers

Showers can consume a staggering 9 litres of water per minute. Use a timer to limit your shower time to four minutes or less, reducing water usage significantly.

Wait for a Full Load

Optimise your washing machine use by waiting until you have a full load. Adjusting water levels accordingly not only saves water but also reduces electricity costs.

Outdoor Water Conservation Techniques

Making use of Grey Water

Make the most of grey water, which is gently used household water from sources like laundry, showers, and sinks. Reuse it for tasks such as watering plants to minimise water wastage.

Cover Your Pool

Keep your pool covered when not in use to prevent unnecessary evaporation, ensuring you use less water over time, and helping keep debris from building up.

Water Your Garden with a Watering Can

When tending to your garden, choose a watering can over a hose. The former is more efficient and uses less water; in fact, a hose can consume up to 1,000 litres of water per hour!

Water Efficiency Practices for Schools and Workplaces

Train Your Staff

Promote water conservation among staff members through training sessions. Implement a comprehensive training program covering policies and procedures to foster a culture of water efficiency.

Educate Students

Encourage students to actively participate in water conservation by reporting leaks and pouring leftover water from their bottles into the garden. Engage them further by creating colorful reminder signs for bathrooms.

Install the Right Equipment

Explore water-efficient equipment options by visiting the Australian Government Water Rating. Learn about the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards scheme to help businesses install appliances that contribute to water conservation efforts. Installing a rainwater tank is a simple way to start harvesting and using rainwater in and you’re your home, education facility or workplace.

Source: NSW Government Water Website¹