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Blog | WaterNeeds Water Tanks and Water Pumps Sydney NSW

Make the Most of Higher than Average Winter rainfall: Install a Water Tank

Posted by Rod Judge on

The NSW Winter season, tipped by the Department of Primary Industries, will bring with it higher than average rainfall¹. There's no better time to consider the benefits of installing a water tank. Not only does this eco-friendly solution help you make the most of the natural resources at your disposal, but it also offers numerous advantages for your home and garden. Here’s why you should take this opportunity to install a water tank this winter.

1. A Free Resource

Rainwater is a free and abundant resource, especially during wetter seasons. By installing a water tank, you can collect and use throughout the year. This can significantly reduce your reliance on council water supplies, leading to lower water bills and a more sustainable lifestyle.

2. A Steady Water Supply

By capturing and storing excess rainwater during the winter, you can ensure a steady supply of water for your garden, household needs, and even for emergencies.

3. Supporting Your Garden

Rain water can be captured and used to irrigate your garden or veggie patch during the drier months. Plants thrive on rainwater as it is naturally soft and free from chemicals often found in tap water. With a water tank, you can keep your garden lush and healthy all year round, without worrying about watering restrictions or cost.

4. Reducing Environmental Impact

By collecting rainwater, you reduce the amount of stormwater runoff that can cause erosion, flooding, and pollution in waterways. This simple step helps to mitigate the environmental impact of heavy rainfall and contributes to a healthier, more balanced ecosystem.

5. Cost Savings

Investing in a water tank can lead to significant cost savings over time. With reduced dependence on council water, you can expect lower utility bills.

6. Boosting Property Value

Water tanks are an attractive feature for environmentally conscious buyers. Having a rainwater harvesting system in place can enhance the value of your property, making it a worthwhile investment if you ever decide to sell your home.

7. Flexibility and Convenience

Modern water tanks come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials, such as slimline and underground, allowing you to choose one that fits your needs and space constraints. Whether you have a large property or a small urban garden, there’s a water tank solution for you. Additionally, many tanks are designed to be unobtrusive and blend seamlessly with your property’s aesthetics.

Tips for Installing a Water Tank

  • Choose the Right Size: Consider your water usage needs and the amount of rainfall in your area. Larger tanks are ideal if you have a big garden or household, while smaller tanks can suffice for less extensive garden only use.
  • Select a Suitable Location: Install your tank in a location that maximises rainwater capture from your roof and minimises the distance to where the water will be used. Ensure it’s on a stable, level surface. A concrete pad makes the ideal base.
  • Maintenance: Regularly clean your gutters and tank filters to prevent blockages and maintain water quality. Check the tank and fittings for any leaks or damage.
  • Comply with Regulations: Ensure your installation complies with local council regulations and plumbing codes. Some areas may have specific requirements for water tank installations.


Taking advantage of higher than average winter rainfall by installing a water tank is a smart, sustainable decision. It offers numerous benefits, from cost savings and environmental impact reduction to enhanced garden health and property value. Don’t let this season’s rain go to waste – start your journey towards a more water-conscious future by investing in a water tank today. Contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today.

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